Take everything that you know about first-person shooters—and forget it. MOSH is a game that removes the tactical nature of a first-person shooter and replaces it with high-speed movement and close-range combos—not to mention, a bit of chaos. Weapons don't kill you—the arena does. If you touch the border of a stage, you explode. Damage launches players. Deal damage to raise enemies' percentages—the higher the percentage, the easier it becomes to launch players off of the stage. Join a group of up to 8 people, assemble a kit of abilities and tools, and fight solo or in teams across 30 different stages. Did I mention—Proximity voice chat? ALSO INCLUDED: Explosions, a lot of explosions A man, with legs Lovable amounts of jankiness No reloading—guns explode when thrown Balls City I really cannot stress just how many explosions are in this game. Please send help.